“You don’t have the manpower to run a fully-fledged food-service-system!”

For Critical Access Hospitals, manpower is at a premium. You need to make do with what you have, while still being compared to the quality and service of any other hospital, no matter how big or small. Most likely, you do not have spare FTEs to manage/support a fully-fledged food service software application, which can set you back when wanting the best for your patients.

Enter: Stella

Stella’s Critical Access Hospital Food Service Solution (CAHFSS) has been specifically designed for Critical Access Hospitals like yours!

✓ No coding Allergens or Diet Info
✓ No manual input
✓ No administrative work

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Stella’s CAHFSS Packages are easy to set-up and do not require any software installation.

Stella provides you with a complete, vast, and instantly usable set of recipes and menus that are fully coded with respect to diet & allergen compliances, along with included Nutritional information, all in line with the Nutritional Care Manual. No need for manual input!

In addition, Stella provides the complete administration and management of the software solution. No need to burden IT or your Food Service Staff with standard maintenance duties such as inputting nutritional, diet or allergen data.

The ability to allow patients to place their meal orders on their own devices will provide your employees time for what really counts – dedicated patient interaction.

With Stella, your valuable resources will be able to focus on higher value tasks. No need to burnout your team with a low value-add system and structure administration! Your Food Service Employees will be able to spend more time with patients’ needs rather than with mundane paperwork when they are operating a manual system.

Most important of all, patient satisfaction scores will increase!


Your hospital is not too small to profit from the Food Service Solution provided by Stella! We believe, it is all about the patient experience and it does not matter if you are feeding 1 or 1000!

✓ Increase efficiency
✓ Mitigate Patient Risk
✓ Increase Press-Ganey scores
✓ reduce food-waste

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Just like any full acute hospital, you can reap the following benefits:

✓ Patient risk is a mitigated thanks to the Stella CAH team providing and managing all menu, recipe, diet & allergen and nutritional coding which ensure compliance.

✓ Increases in patient satisfaction scores through improved meal choice options, seasonal menus, and empowering patients to place their meal orders on their own devices.

✓ Increase efficiency and REDUCE FTE COSTS by not being tied to a PC and printer. Rather your staff is mobile, working with patients in real time. This is supported by real-time interfacing to your EHR/EMR.

✓ Reducing food-waste achieved by having real-time data about your patients (E.g., meal trays not being sent to discharged patients)

Peaked your interest? Book a meeting now!

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